



Hello, I'm looking for a RichTextBox with syntax highlighting! Sounds easy but I'm searching since months and didn't find that what I need.

First I started to do it by myself... No good idea...

I tried to use this:

but that code don't handle loading files or pasting so i started to write a highlight function for inserting text-blocks. That tutorial and my code worked fine first, but then I saw a lot of tiny bugs and loading large files took too much time.

Then a found a lot of similar tutorials/codes at like this:

But there I get problems if the file becomes large, too. Pasting and loading files will take a while...

I think I'm searching for something like this:

But I don't can spent money and I want to sell my program maybe so the code/control should be free.

Can anybody help me?

+11  A: 

AvalonEdit is the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop 4.0. It has built-in support for syntax highlighting for several languages and you can add new highlighting definitions using an XML-based file format.

AvalonEdit is open-source, but can also be used in commercial applications (LGPL).

If you don't want to use WPF, you could also use ICSharpCode.TextEditor, the old Windows Forms text editor from SharpDevelop 3.x.

+4  A: 

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