Hi, I have a view where the user can change some settings, its basically a "edit" page. When the user checks a particular value in a radiogroup i set a hidden field (its a invisible input type=text field), but when i load the page i want that hidden field set from my code. How to do this? JQuery? or can i "findControl" somehow?
This is the "hidden" field:
<div style="display: none">
<input type="text" name="HiddenImageId" id="HiddenImageId" value="" />
The above hidden field is et from a jquery that executes when a radiobutton is clicked. but when i load in "edit" mode i want myself to set the "hidden" field.
Further down my view i load all the radiobuttons:
<% if (file.Id == imageFile.Id)
{ %>
<input type="radio" checked="checked" name="filename" class="filename" id="<%= file.Id.ToString()%>" />
<% }
{ %>
<input type="radio" name="filename" class="filename" id="<%= file.Id.ToString()%>" />
<%} %>
When i set the checked attribute i want to set the value of my hidden fidle to the files id.