I am trying to learn to use the wx packages to make GUI programs in Haskell with the following code:
module Main where
import Graphics.UI.WX
gui :: IO ()
gui = do
f <- frame [text :="Hello World!"]
staticText f [text :="Some static text"]
return ()
main :: IO()
main = start gui
But when I try to compile this I get the following error:
C:\Haskell>ghc -O2 --make gui.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( gui.hs, gui.o )
Bad interface file: C:\temp\wxhaskell-\lib\imports\Graphics
mismatched interface file versions (wanted "6103", got "6104")
This is after I installed wx from a binary file that is the latest version. What do I do to make this compile or get wx to work in general?
EDIT: On further inspection it turns out I am using using:
C:\Haskell>ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.3