



Hello, I'm struggling with Silverlights' activity control. I placed a grid inside the activity control and no matter whether it shows "Loading..." or not, the grid doesn't stretch anymore, only the min-values are applied. After removing the activity-control everything works fine, againg - but I need to use the ctrl. Did I do something wrong? Best regards, rwh

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Style="{StaticResource DetailPageLayoutRoot}">
    <activity:Activity IsActive="{Binding IsBusy}">
     <Grid ShowGridLines="True" MinWidth="200" MinHeight="200" Background="Bisque" >
       <ColumnDefinition MinWidth="50" Width="0.2*"/>
       <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
       <ColumnDefinition MinWidth="50" Width="0.8*"/>
      <StackPanel Grid.Column="0" Margin="1" Background="Beige">
      <controls:GridSplitter Grid.Column="1" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Margin="1" Width="4" MinWidth="4" MaxWidth="4"/>
      <StackPanel Grid.Column="2" Margin="1" Background="AliceBlue">

I am having the same problem. I think it might be something wrong with the control. You could set the minwidth/height programmatically. So innerGrid.minWidth = innerGrid.Parent.Parent.actualwidth; Not sure if that will work though.

Thanks, for me it doesn't work, but I worked around it by setting the minwidth and minheight properties - at the cost of losing the very nicely working screen resizing of SL.


This control has now(Nov 2009) been incorporated into the Silverlight toolkit. Its been renamed the BusyIndicator. Get it here.

Original Answer:

The latest version of the control fixes this problem. Download it here:

Dear Geoff, I just found the time to test your control, it works perfectly. Thank you very much!P.S.: Just one hint to others using this control: For a now unknown reason I already had an ActivityControl.dll in my libs (from September), make sure to delete this first and check the file date after creating a reference, so that you use the new one.
@rwh- I've updated the answer. The control has now been included in the Silverlight toolkit so its probably best to get it from there.