var mic:Microphone = null;
function toggleVoice(isOn:Boolean)
//setup the mic
if (mic == null)
//call Microphone.get() to access the microphone and prompt user with Allow/Decline dialog
mic = Microphone.get();
//Microphone.get() will return null if user declined access
if (mic == null)
//setup onActivity handler to get notification of mic activity
mic.onActivity = function(active:Boolean)
//call out to JavaScript bridge via ExternalInterface"IsTalking", active);
//create movie clip and attach mic to clip so we can hear output
this.createEmptyMovieClip("sound_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
//set the microphone gain as per the isOn input variable
mic.setGain(isOn ? 50 : 0);
This is actionscript 2, you have to get a copy of the Flash IDE or use the mtasc command line compiler to create a swf from this code. The swf you can view in the flash player or in a browser that has the flash plugin installed.
Or is that not what you are asking?
Simon Groenewolt
2009-09-07 19:15:32