



Hi All,

I'm trying to write a Greasemonkey script that works with Gmail. the script is working good but I need to add simulate a refresh of the Gmail page by "hitting" programmatically the Refresh button. is this possible ? FYI, the refresh link in Gmail isn't a link like but rather : Refresh I've tried to use the click() method but it doesn't work ...

Thank you for your help !

+1  A: 

If you integrate jQuery into Greasemonkey, you could easily use the .trigger('click') method, for a true dispatchEvent/fireEvent work-around.

Alternatively, couldn't you just set the window.location.href to

Alexander Gyoshev
I'm already using jQuery in my script. I've tried trigger('click') but it doesn't work.I'm trying the other method (using dispatchEvent) and I'm stuck with another problem : how to transform a jQuery object to a javascript object ? 'cause I'm using jQuery to select the div (AP class) and I need to "attach" it to myDiv.dispatchEvent(evt).
you can get a DOM element from a jQuery object like this: $('.selector')[0] - where 0 is the index of the element in the jQuery collection
Alexander Gyoshev
thank you so much, it's working :)
The link about integrating jQuery into GM scripts describes an unsecure procedure that relies heavily on `unsafeWindow`. I recommend *not* following that advice.

Use fireEvent in IE or dispatchEvent for everything else.

Rakesh Pai

Med: could you post your working code with dispatchEvent?

simulateRefreshClick : function () { var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);//simlulate the clic on refresh button var resfresh_link = $(".AP:first", kwagaPlugin.getActiveViewElement())[0]; resfresh_link.dispatchEvent(evt);},