I have a contract defined like this:
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/GetX?myStr={myStr}&myX={myX}", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)]
string GetX(string myStr, int? myX);
I get an exception:
[InvalidOperationException: Operation 'GetX' in contract 'IMyGet' has a query variable named 'myX' of type 'System.Nullable1[System.Int32]', but type 'System.Nullable
1[System.Int32]' is not convertible by 'QueryStringConverter'. Variables for UriTemplate query values must have types that can be converted by 'QueryStringConverter'.]
could not find anything about this error except the following link: http://blog.rolpdog.com/2007/07/webget-and-webinvoke-rock.html which is a little old and not a solution anyway.
any ideas what to do except get rid of the nullable parameter?