



Anyone know any DirectX 11 programming books that have been printed already? or there will be soon? I'd like to buy one or preorder but haven't found one anywhere ...

+2  A: 

I very much doubt that as it's not out yet. Besides, it's probably not going to tell you much besides what's already in the DirectX SDK.

To pass the time you can take a look at this GamaSutra feature on the upcoming changes in DirectX 11

Also, the March 2009 SDK has 5-6 samples for DirectX 11 on topics such as the new compute shader and Catmull-Clark subdivison.

Thx, but I've already read that article. I also know about the SDK samples. I'm going to buy DirectX 11 graphics card by the end of the month when they will go on sale, so I wanted a book if one is out, I prefer it to MSDN docs.
Pop Catalin
Ok. As soon as they start releasing DX11 cards books will probably begin popping up. I doubt they'll be anything but repetitions of the SDK though. At least most of the DX10 books I've seen were..

For now you're going to be stuck with MSDN and any online coding samples you can find. Even some of the DX9 stuff was very poorly documented (especially in D3DX - try finding documentation of how D3DXCreateTangentMatrix works). Usually by the time the books reach any sort of break-even point in terms of knowledge transfer the next version is coming out anyway. Watch the usual suspects (Charles River Media, O'Reilly, etc) for new book releases, and maybe check out the websites of some past authors to see if they're working on anything - you may be able to get ahold of some sample chapters.

+2  A: 

No. According to the DirectX 11 Wikipedia Entry (link), "No exhaustive specification has been made publicly available by Microsoft." I doubt publishers would want a book published which didn't have all the details.

Hmmm... this hasn't stopped them before.
Alex Angas