



Possible Duplicates:
What is the difference between <% %> and <%=%>?
C# MVC: What is the difference between <%# and <%=

I'm so confused with this.

Please explain the difference between this if possible..

What is the significance of that "=" there?

Edit:Thanks for all your answers.Please understand that It was hard to get any results by searching for "<%=" on google and on the search bar in stackoverflow as well.

+32  A: 

<% %> is a generic code block.

<%= expression %> is equivalent to <% Response.Write(expression); %>.

Mehrdad Afshari
+2  A: 

<%= %> tag prints the output of the code in it, <% %> just runs the code.

+9  A: 

It is confusing, and it takes a good deal of repetition to get comfortable with.

The <%= syntax is used for evaluating expressions whose returned values are intended to be included within HTML markup. For example:

<%= DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() %>

This will include the current date in the HTML markup.

The <% is for inline statements, where you want to execute one or more commands at a specific point during the page rendering. I've used Html Helpers in the past by executing the helper method using <%. For example,

<% Html.TextBox("txtBox"); %>

Note that the statements used here have to be terminated with a semicolon in C# code.

EDIT: Removed erroneous details about Html helpers and void returns.

David Andres
Actually, almost all of the Html Helpers return a string rather than writing to the Response object - <%= Html.TextBox("txtBox") %>. This allows you to e.g. nest helper methods.
Iain Galloway
`<% Html.TextBox("txtBox"); %>` silently discards the return value and doesn't output anything.
Mehrdad Afshari
Thanks for the clarifications
David Andres
+7  A: 

Mehrdad's comment about <%$ piqued my curiosity, so I found this inline tags list by googling " inline code" (sans quotes). It has msdn links and descriptions of all the inline tags (<%, <%=, <%#, <%$, <%@, <%--).

to complement, `<%`, `<%=`, `<%--` and `<%@` are inherited from classic ASP. `<%#` is an ASP.NET addition. `<%$` was added in ASP.NET 2.0.
Mehrdad Afshari
+2  A: 

This post lists all the varieties nicely: ASP.NET "special" tags.

I would normally post this as a comment but there are a number of other dupes. I recall someone referring to them as "bee stings" (not official terminology) and the keywords I used to search for them were bee stings.

That said, here are some other dupes:

Ahmad Mageed
Thanks for those links.