



Is there a way to force XML elements generated from XML serialisation to be ordered in the same way as defined in the object class?


class SerializableClass
    public List<string> Element1
        get { return _Element1; }
        set { _Element1 = value; }   
    private List<string> _Element1;
    public int Element2;
    public List<string> Element3
        get { return _Element3; }
        set { _Element3= value; }   
    private List<string> _Element3;
    public string Element4;
    public bool Element5;


<Element.1>SomeValue 1</Element.1>
<Element.1>SomeValue 2</Element.1>
<Element.3>SomeValue 1</Element.3>
<Element.3>SomeValue 2</Element.3>

I need the ordering to be exact because of an external validator.

+2  A: 

You should be able to set the Order on the serialization attribute:

public class SerializableClass
    [XmlElement("Element.1", Order = 1)]
    public List<string> Element1
        get { return _Element1; }
        set { _Element1 = value; }
    private List<string> _Element1;
    [XmlElement("Element.2", Order = 2)]
    public int Element2;
    [XmlElement("Element.3", Order = 3)]
    public List<string> Element3
        get { return _Element3; }
        set { _Element3 = value; }
    private List<string> _Element3;
    [XmlElement("Element.4", Order = 4)]
    public string Element4;
    [XmlElement("Element.5", Order = 5)]
    public bool Element5;
Marc Gravell
Thanks Marc, much appreciated. I also found out that making all members properties rather than mixing them also seemed to have the desired effect.
Nat Ryall