+2  A: 

Ah, yes, trying to reinvent things that already exist in the framework because you don't know about them. Its been a hobby of mine for quite some time.

What you are doing here is trying to create a special type of adorner. These are relatively easy to do using the bits that already exist in the framework. I suggest you start here.

Another thing you might want to look at are Decorators. Do pretty much the same thing but I think they are more visual. Which one to use depends on your requirements.

I am aware of adorners but am not exactly sure how to adapt them for my purpose. I'm not trying to adorn another element in my GUI, the element I'm writing *is* the thing I want to drag around and it's not attached to any other element.I'll look into it one more time though, I wouldn't be surprised to realize I've missed something important.
Seems like adorners + a <Line /> is exactly what you need.
Oh, now that I thought about it another time, your solution sounds good. I'll give it go.
Good luck. Sounds like a cool thing to be working on!

Will, may I ask how you finally realized that? I currently have basically the same problem - I'd like to combine several uielements to one and place it on a canvas, all handling logic implemented in a separate class.
