




I know this must be answered a lot of times but I didn't get the answer what I'm looking for. So the client provided me the wsdl to generate the web service.But when I used the wsdl.exe command it generated the .cs class out of it. I consumed that class in my web service and when I provided the wsdl to client it didn't match their schema. Actually I want the .asmx to be automatically generated from the wsdl so that I could fill in the web method. So that it will exactly match their schema. Hope it make sense.


How about using the wsdl /server or wsdl /serverinterface switches? As far as I understand the wsdl.exe command line properties, that's what you're looking for.



Server switch has been deprecated. Please use /serverInterface instead.
Generate an abstract class for an xml web service implementation using
ASP.NET based on the contracts. The default is to generate client proxy

On the other hand: why do you want to create obsolete technology solutions? Why not create this web service as a WCF service. That's the current and more modern, much more flexible way to do this!



When I use wsdl /server on a WSDL file, I get this file created:

public abstract partial class OneCrmServiceType : System.Web.Services.WebService 
    /// <remarks/>
    public abstract void OrderCreated(......);

This is basically almost exactly the same code that gets generated when you add an ASMX file to your solution (in the code behind file - "yourservice.asmx.cs"). I don't think you can get any closer to creating an ASMX file from a WSDL file.

You can always add the "yourservice.asmx" manually - it doesn't really contain much:

<%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="YourService.asmx.cs" 
      Class="YourServiceNamespace.YourServiceClass" %>
NO that's not actually Im looking for.It would generate the proxy class which I don't want.I want to generate abc.asmx automatically.And I thought for WCF but went to be simple by making web service.
+3  A: 

mate... I have no idea what you are trying to do, but generate a Web Service from a WSDL???

You cannot!


WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations and messages are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint. Related concrete endpoints are combined into abstract endpoints (services). WSDL is extensible to allow description of endpoints and their messages regardless of what message formats or network protocols are used to communicate, however, the only bindings described in this document describe how to use WSDL in conjunction with SOAP 1.1, HTTP GET/POST, and MIME.

in plain text, it's only the schema for the output, it's what you expect that the Web Service will return.

With only this information, you can not create a Web Service, with the WDSL you only know the output (what parameters and type it will return) and the input (what parameters and types are the WS expecting) but it does not tell you what procedures/methods do what... that's in the Web Service and only in the Web Service...

What you are trying to do is probably reverse engineering on a Web Service, but you can not do it with only the WSDL.

Generate me a method that provides a string in response to an int and two other strings. In other words, please read my mind.
I would love to create a program for that... I would be multi-billionaire in a week! :D
I think what he is asking for is the ability to generate a stub web service that matches the wsdl provided for the purposes of testing.
@Kragen they the question should be "How can I generate a wrapper for a given schema"!

You cannot guarantee that the automatically-generated WSDL will match the WSDL from which you create the service interface.

In your scenario, you should place the WSDL file on your web site somewhere, and have consumers use that URL. You should disable the Documentation protocol in the web.config so that "?wsdl" does not return a WSDL. See <protocols> Element.

Also, note the first paragraph of that article:

This topic is specific to a legacy technology. XML Web services and XML Web service clients should now be created using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

John Saunders
+3  A: 

There isn't a magic bullet solution for what you're looking for, unfortunately. Here's what you can do:

  • create an Interface class using this command in the Visual Studio Command Prompt window:

    wsdl.exe yourFile.wsdl /l:CS /serverInterface
    Use VB or CS for your language of choice. This will create a new .cs or .vb file.

  • Create a new .NET Web Service project. Import Existing File into your project - the file that was created in the step above.

  • In your .asmx.cs file in Code-View, modify your class as such:


 public class MyWebService : System.Web.Services.WebService, IMyWsdlInterface
     public string GetSomeString()
         //you'll have to write your own business logic 
         return "Hello SOAP World";

You can generate the WS proxy classes using WSCF (Web Services Contract First) tool from thinktecture.com. So essentially, YOU CAN create webservices from wsdl's. Creating the asmx's, maybe not, but that's the easy bit isn't it? This tool integrates brilliantly into VS2005-8 (new version for 2010/WCF called WSCF-blue). I've used it loads and always found it to be really good.
