



For browsers < IE7, I want to use a certain style attribute, while for other browsers I'd like to use another. Can I do this using a single css file, or do I have to do if then logic to include an ie hack css file?

+2  A: 

Well you could use javascript to detect the browser and apply a class based on that. For example, see:

JQuery Attributes

+1  A: 

You can use CSS Expressions to some extent.

See for some examples. These don't get around conditional CSS attributes per se, but they do allow you to dynamically vary the values of CSS attributes.

David Andres
+1  A: 

You could use conditional comments:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
    /*your style for IE <=6*/

<![if !IE | (gte IE 7)]>
    /*your style for other browsers*/

I've found it to be the cleanest solution for this kind of thing.

Not within "single css file" OP was asking about.
@ChssPly76: It was an option, not a requirement. But you are right, this option requires *two* files (I normally just override **some** things on the IE specific style sheet). Anyway, I still think this is a cleaner approach.
Note that this will create the IE-specific style for all versions of IE, not only <IE7
Franci Penov
@Franci Penov: I just wanted to give him a pointer, but you were right, so I updated the answer.
+1  A: 

You could use CSS hacks. But you shouldn't.

+1 **you shouldn't**
+1  A: 

on the jQuery tip check out this plugin:

a plugin to do what ghills suggests, this is a nice clean way to go.

+6  A: 

Here's an example how you can include an IE6-specific CSS to override specific CSS classes for IE 6 or lower:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/screen.css" title="MySiteStyle" media="screen" />
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/screen-ie6.css" title="MySiteStyle" media="screen" />

Alternatively, you can do it on per-element basis like this:

<!--[if (!IE) | (gt IE 6)]>
<div class="header">
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<div class="ie6_header">

MSDN has some more details about IE Conditional Comments support.

Franci Penov

The following page will show you 6 CSS hacks specifically for IE7. You shouldn't use them, but they're the easiest way for getting the exact right look for your website.

There **are** easier ways, look at the other answers here.