



//obj C version, with some - less than one second on 18,000 iterations

for (NSString* coordStr in splitPoints) {

  char *buf = [coordStr UTF8String];
  sscanf(buf, "%f,%f,", &routePoints[i].latitude, &routePoints[i].longitude);



//C version - over 13 seconds on 18,000 iterations

for (i = 0; buf != NULL; buf = strchr(buf,'['), ++i) {

  buf += sizeof(char);
  sscanf(buf, "%f,%f,", &routePoints[i].latitude, &routePoints[i].longitude);


As a corollary question, is there any way to make this loop faster?

Also see this question:

+3  A: 

Having nothing to do with performance, your C code has an error in it. buf += sizeof(char) should simply be buf++. Pointer arithmetic always moves in units the size of the type. It worked fine in this case because sizeof(char) was 1.

Jeff Mc
Which has nothing to do with the question at hand. To the compiler, sizeof(1), sizeof(char), and 1 are absolutely identical. Thus, though a bug, it cannot be the source of the performance discrepancy.
Oh, come on. That was a perfectly factual comment, and a useful style note; needless use of sizeof is always a great clue that the code you are reading has pointer bugs in it. And your correction is factually incorrect to boot. sizeof(1) == sizeof(int) == 4 on most platforms
Andy Ross
Factual, yes, but it has no relevance to the question at hand. (Yes, I made a factual error in sizeof(1), too).
It's helpful none the less and deserves a vote.
+10  A: 

Measure, measure, measure.

Measure the code with the Sampler instrument in Instruments.

With that said, there is an obvious inefficiency in the C code compared to the Objective-C code.

Namely, fast enumeration -- the for(x in y) syntax -- is really fast and, more importantly, implies that splitPoints is an array or set that contains a bunch of data that has already been parsed into individual objects.

The strchr() call in the second loop implies that you are parsing stuff on the fly. In and of itself, strchr() is a looping operation and will consume time, more-so as the # of characters between occurrences of the target character increase.

That is all conjecture, though. As with all optimizations, speculation is useless and gathering concrete data using the [rather awesome] set of tools provided is the only way to know for sure.

Once you have measured, then you can make it faster.

For what it's worth, I can't imagine `strchr()` being terribly inefficient. It's a simple function and should be fairly well optimized. That said, it can still be bad.
Chris Lutz
`strchr()` is fast. The difference is that the array implies that parsing is already done and the loop w/`strchr` adds the cost of doing the parse in the loop.

Vectorization can be used to speed up C code.


Even faster UTF-8 character counting

(But maybe just try to avoid the function call strchr() in the loop condition.)

+1  A: 

Obj C code looks like it has precomputed some split points, while the C code seeks them in each iteration. Simple answer? If N is the length of buf and M the number of your split points, it looks like your two snippets have complexities of O(M) versus O(N*M); which one's slower?

edit: Really amazed me though, that some would think C code is axiomatically faster than any other solution.

Michael Foukarakis
The C code is only looking for the next '[' in each iteration of the loop, not looking through the entire length of buf for every splitpoint, right?
No, but worst case scenario is that it'll have to traverse the entire string. So it's directly dependent on the length of the string, not constant.
Michael Foukarakis
Gah, I meant "yes, but". Need coffee.
Michael Foukarakis