array contains the arguments to the Perl script - no quotes needed.
That said, the question asks about:
I have to put the command line string in quotes. I'd rather do the command something like this:
htmlencode some & HTML <> entities
Without the quotes. Is there a way to do this in perl?
Well, if the command shown is written at the shell command line, you have to obey shell conventions - which means escaping the '&
' and '<>
' to prevent the shell from interpreting them. Likewise, within a Perl script, that sequence would need to be protected from Perl. Maybe you'd write:
system "htmlencode", "some", "&", "HTML", "<>", "entities";
That is, everything would have to be in quotes - but that notation would avoid executing the shell and having the shell interpret the commands.
Alternatively again, if you put the arguments into an array (with quotes at the time the array is loaded), then you could pass that array to system
and not use any quotes:
my @args = ( "htmlencode", "some", "&", "HTML", "<>", "entities" );
system @args;
But I think the question is confused.