



Is there any Unique ID or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) number for Motherboard, if it is there , how can i get it thru vc++ programming? any hint or help is appreciated.

+1  A: 

In this sample, replace the Win32_OperatingSystem and Name in the code to the ones you are interested in (i.e. Win32_BaseBoard and SerialNumber for motherboard serial).

This WMI FAQ might be of interest: Secrets of Windows Management Instrumentation: Troubleshooting and Tips

Mitch Wheat
+1  A: 

As @Mitch mentioned, you can use the WMI Win32_Baseboard class, SerialNumber property. Alternatively, you can use the Win32_Processor class, ProcessorId property.

Franci Penov
Worth noting that on multiple processor machine Win32_Processor can return different results depending on the processor that is running