



I have problem, I want set soap extension attribute in web method: Soap extension in web service:

public class EncryptMessageAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute
    private string strKey="null";

    public void  setKey(string s)

Soap extension class:

public class EncryptMessage : SoapExtension

Soap extension on web method:

public class Service1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
    public string k;

    public string test2()
        return "ok";

    public string test2()
        return "ok";

It finish with this compile error:

Error 1 The name 'setKey' does not exist in the current context Error 2 An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property

+1  A: 

You can't call a method on the attribute like you're doing

Use a property, not a method :

public class EncryptMessageAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute
    private string strKey="null";

    public string Key
        get { return strKey; }
        set { strKey = value; }

[EncryptMessageAttribute(Key = "null")]
public string test2()
    return "ok";
Thomas Levesque
Thx, try : public class Service1 : System.Web.Services.WebService { public const string strAttribute = "something"; [WebMethod] [EncryptMessage(XPathEncryption = "//soap:Body/*/*", SetKey =strAttribute)] public string test2() { return "ok"; }}But I want want change attribute before the client call web method, it is possible?Or the attribute must be const ??
Yes, it must be constant. Attributes are just metadata, you can't change their data at runtime. Clearly an attribute is not the appropriate solution in your case...
Thomas Levesque
How can I set variable in class EncryptMessage : SoapExtension, before than soap extension is used on web method?

Thx, try :

public class Service1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
public const string strAttribute = "something";

[EncryptMessage SetKey =strAttribute)]
public string test2()
return "ok";

It works. But I want want change attribute before the client call web method, it is possible? Or the attribute must be const ??

For example: public string strAttribute does not work ...


Thx, ok I have one question:

I have class, with variable num:

public class EncryptMessage : SoapExtension
public int num=10;

Soap extension on web method:

public class Service1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
public const string k = "something";

/*in this place I want call some methods, which change variable num in class EncryptMessage,
before than is soap extension used on web method .. it is possible ??If yes, how can I change variable in class EncryptMessage*/

int num2=5;
someMethods(num2); // this methods change variable num in class EncryptMessage

[EncryptMessage(SetKey =k)]
public string test2()
return "ok";