




Assuming the text is typed at the same time in the same (Israeli) timezone, The following free text lines are equivalent:

Wed Sep  9 16:26:57 IDT 2009
2009-09-09 16:26:57
September 9th, 16:26:57

Is there a python module that would convert all these text-dates to an (identical) datetime.datetime instance?

I would like to use it in a command-line tool that would get a freetext date and time as an argument, and return the equivalent date and time in different time zones, e.g.:

~$wdate 16:00 Israel
Israel:        16:00
San Francisco: 06:00
UTC:           13:00


~$wdate 18:00 SanFran
San Francisco  18:00:22
Israel:        01:00:22 (Day after)
UTC:           22:00:22

Any Ideas?



+5  A: 

The python-dateutil package sounds like it would be helpful. Your examples only use simple HH:MM timestamps with a (magically shortened) city identifier, but it seems able to handle more complicated formats like those earlier in the question, too.

Seems great, checking it out.
Adam Matan
Yes, dateutil.pareser.parse() is the relevant method in question.
Lennart Regebro

You could you time.strptime

Like this :

time.strptime("2009-09-09 16:26:57", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

It will return a struct_time value (more info on the python doc page).

Loïc Wolff
Yes, but I'm looking for a module that would do the parsing for me - I guess this work has been done before.
Adam Matan
+3  A: 

parsedatetime seems to be a very capable module for this specific task.

Alex Martelli