



In config file I have the below settings

sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false"

Does this indicates that the sessionid is stroed in cookies? If yes then how is it picked and sent to the server and how is it verified across postbacks.

What will happen if cookies are disabled in my browser, will the session(sessionid and session variables) still be created?

Where(default path) are the cookies created and stored by default for sessions and can i change the path?

What format and kind of data is stored in cookies for session?

If i store a class object in session then what is actually stored in cookies?

Also if i use authentication mode as forms with cookies then what will happen if cookies are disabled in browser?


Each request creates new session

Jan Remunda
-1: That's definitely not my understanding of what happens here.
Brian MacKay
-1: No session is created at all. Who is voting this up?
Josh Stodola
Session is created, but because on the next request is not send a cookie with a sessionId and application cannot find out what is your sessionId, it will be created a new session object. Try Response.Write(Session.SessionID) in your web page and turn off cookies.
Jan Remunda

My guess is that each request by the client will be seen as a new session by the server.

+5  A: 

The session cookie is a special non-persistant cookie. It's only stored in memory, so in most cases even when cookies are disabled it still works fine.

It's also possible to enable something called cookieless sesssions where the sessionID is embedded in the URL, like this:

http://yourserver/folder/ (encrypted session ID here) /default.aspx

Here's a link to an MSDN article with more details:

NOTE: It is possible to completely block the session cookie. For instance, in IE8, I just went into Tools > Internet Options > Privacy. When I cranked the slider up to 'High' or greater, my sites never got past the login screen because the session cookie was blocked - in fact, Josh Stodola said below that in this case the session would never even be created on the server.

However, understand that this type of behavior effectively breaks the Internet. So unless you're building a site targeted at conspiracy theorists, in my opinion (and the opinion of most of the largest sites in the world) there's no need to cater to the tiny percentage of users who don't play by the normal rules.

For them, the Internet just isn't going to work the way it's supposed to.

Brian MacKay
lol... you mean "cookieless sessions"?
Already fixed, slowy! :)
Brian MacKay
In IE6 through IE8, you can also disable session cookies if you go to Privacy > Advanced and check "Override automatic cookie handling", select "Block" under first-party cookies, and leave "Always allow session-cookies" unchecked. But still, if you do this there will be a lot of sites that won't work properly.
Steve Wortham
+1 for Dino's article- I was going to add it as an answer but you already have

If you happen to grab the request headers from your browser, you can see that a SessionID is part of the header. This is used by the server to determine which session belongs to which user.


Instead of session id being passed via cookie, it is typically passed as a query string in the URL, or as a custom HTTP header. With the scenario you described, however, your user will never obtain a session because you have cookieless set to false.

Josh Stodola
I have created a test application in which i have set cookieless to false and i have disabled the cookies in my browser. The authentication mode is set to forms. Guess what the application still works?

I have not implemented this personally. But it should be like:

As Cookiless=false in web.config file and browser has disabled cookies, when first request for the page comes, HTTP module will check for forms authentication cookie. Now it will be empty which send user to login page. Now when second request for any page on website will come it will again find forms authentication cookie empty and send user to login page. So for every request user needs to create new session.
