Hi there,
I'm building a website for property agents and tenants. Tenants can sign up and fill in their desired locations for properties, including Street, Town and Postcode. Once they sign up, this automatically emails agents who have properties that match those search criteria.
At present I have the query set up as follows so that it matches on either the Street, Town or Postcode.
Dim rspropertyresults
Dim rspropertyresults_numRows
Set rspropertyresults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rspropertyresults.ActiveConnection = MM_dbconn_STRING
rspropertyresults.Source = "SELECT * FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults "
'WHERE (ContentStreet = 'Holderness Road') OR (ContentTown = 'Hull') OR (ContentPostCode = 'HU')
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "WHERE (ContentStreet = '" & Replace(rspropertyresults__varReqStreet, "'", "''") & "'"
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "OR ContentTown = '" & Replace(rspropertyresults__varReqTown, "'", "''") & "' "
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "OR ContentTrimmedPostCode = '" & Replace(varPostcode, "'", "''") & "' ) "
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "AND (( ContentBedRooms >= " & Replace(rspropertyresults__varBedroomsNoMin, "'", "''") & " "
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "AND ContentBedRooms <= " & Replace(rspropertyresults__varBedroomsNoMax, "'", "''") & " ) "
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "AND ( ContentPrice > = " & Replace(rspropertyresults__varPriceMin, "'", "''") & " "
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "AND ContentPrice <= " & Replace(rspropertyresults__varPriceMax, "'", "''") & " )) " & varSQL & " "
rspropertyresults.Source = rspropertyresults.Source& "ORDER BY ContentPrice " & Replace(rspropertyresults__varSortWay, "'", "''") & " "
rspropertyresults.CursorType = 0
rspropertyresults.CursorLocation = 2
rspropertyresults.LockType = 1
rspropertyresults_numRows = 0
However, the client has asked that instead of just matching on one of the values, it needs to work in such a way that if say Street and Town match, then email that property agent or if Town and Postcode match, then email that property agent.
As you can imagine, I think the query would become quite complex, but i'm unsure how to best design a query like this.
I wondered if anyone might be able to help or point me in the right direction?
Thank you.