




I am learning WPF these days, it's my desire to develop a WPF app. I am looking for ideas on what should I develop. I have ideas like PhotoBrowser, Twitter client.., but i dont know how to start with

Has anyone developed something as a part of learning, if yes then please share it here.

Thanks in advance!


You could try out Joel Spolsky's request for a DevDays countdown app.

I liked your idea

In general, the best ideas for learning a language would be by designing a game. Everyone likes to play games and thus you could ask for a lot of feedback, no matter how simple your game is. Of course, a Space Invaders clone could be a bit complex but if you have some experience, I estimate that you could do this within four weeks.

When I was learning to program, I just created a simple shooter game where a gun at the right side of the screen had to be aimed at a moving target on the left, simply by pressing the UP and DOWN keys. Pressing Spacebar would fire the gun and with a bit of luck, you'd hit the target. The target was smart, though, and would dodge the line where the gun was located, moving just randomly while it wasn't at the same height.

I wished I still had the code for that. I wrote it 25 years ago, in Turbo Pascal on MS-DOS 3.3, in graphics mode.

Workshop Alex
+1  A: 

While it certainly isn't anything that hasn't been done before, I would recommend something like a contact manager app. It's simple enough not to require much effort beyond simply getting a handle on basic WPF controls, which appears to be the point. Once you get your feet wet, then you can move on to fancier stuff like plugging in to the Twitter API. :)

Skinniest Man

WPF doesn't ship with a DatePicker control, so I built one. It's a pretty good starter project for learning WPF, because it has a pretty clearly defined feature set, it involves a fair amount of user interaction, and since the end result is a UI control you learn a lot about how UI controls work. Also, when you're done you can compare what you did with the one that Microsoft eventually released in the WPF Toolkit.

Robert Rossney