





I'm currently migrating some computer vision work I'd previously been doing in Matlab to Octave. For the most part, it's been a smooth transition, except for one annoyance.

I often use the imshow() procedure to view an image. In the viewer I get in Matlab, I'm able to inspect individual pixels to see their value. For example, if I was looking at a connected-components labled image, I could click on a blob and see the actual value of the pixels in it.

Unfortunately, I've not found a way to do this in Octave. I get a viewing window, but it doesn't seem to have any capability to inspect individual pixels. Does anyone know how to emulate this behavior in Octave? Thanks.


I don't have imshow in my matlab (r2007b) or in my octave (no octave-forge). I am going to guess it is image after an imread. try

type imshow

from matlab to see what's going on internally; if that is the case, I am going to guess you could do

F = imread(filename);
image(F);   %to show the entire image
image(F(1:100,1:100));    %to show a corner, etc.

you might want to also try pcolor (in matlab, not sure about octave).


Imshow is supplied by Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox. Sorry if I neglected to mention that.

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