
If memory serves, Rcmdr already does this for you using rgl. That may be limited to the models that Rcmdr fits, though.

On the other hand, it gives you (fast !) scrolling, zooming, ... which lattice cannot do.

Dirk Eddelbuettel
I skimped on my Linux box graphics card because "I don't play games" but I think RGL would certainly benefit if I had decided otherwise!
I also keep it simple ("no games") but OpenGL often works on really simple hardware. Give it a shot -- as I recall you only need 2d support.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
+1  A: 

I do love rgl! But there are times when 3-D plots in lattice are useful too - you can write your own function which you can pass to the 'panel' argument to lattice functions. For instance,

mypanel <- function(x,y,z,...) {
wireframe(myGrid$z ~ myGrid$x * myGrid$y, xlab="X", ylab="Y", zlab="Z",

The last function you call can be wireframe() or cloud(); in either case since panel.wireframe() and panel.cloud() are called within the panel function the result should be the same.
