The following query returns the total amount of orders, per week, for the past 12 months (for a specific customer):
SELECT DATEPART(year, orderDate) AS [year],
DATEPART(month, orderDate) AS [month],
DATEPART(wk, orderDate) AS [week],
COUNT(1) AS orderCount
FROM dbo.Orders (NOLOCK)
WHERE customerNumber = @custnum
AND orderDate >= DATEADD(month, -12, GETDATE())
GROUP BY DATEPART(year, orderDate),
DATEPART(wk, orderDate),
DATEPART(month, orderDate)
ORDER BY DATEPART(year, orderDate),
DATEPART(wk, orderDate)
This returns results like:
year month week orderCount
2008 1 1 23
2008 3 12 5
As you can see, only weeks that have orders for this customer will be returned in the resultset. I need it to return a row for every week in the past 12 months... if no order exists in the week then returning 0 for orderCount would be fine, but I still need the year, week, and month. I can probably do it by creating a separate table storing the weeks of the year, then left outer join against it, but would prefer not to. Perhaps there's something in SQL that can accomplish this? Can I create a query using built in functions to return all the weeks in the past 12 months with built in SQL functions? I'm on SQL Server 2008.
Edit: Using Scott's suggestion I posted the query solving this problem below.