I am building a CMS news sections with a few fields but the ones notably needed for this question are the "Title" and "URL Reference" fields. When a user enters in an article title I want Javascript/jQuery to replace the text from the Title field and create a "clean" URL fragment by removing any spaces and weird characters with a dash(-).
Kris' FUN new Article (Title)
kris-fun-new-article (URL Reference)
Here is the code, but I can't seem to figure out how to replace multiple spaces and special characters
$('#title').keyup(function(){ var ref = $(this).val().toLowerCase().replace('\ ','-'); $('#reference').val(ref); });
Also, like in the title "Kris' FUN new Article" the regex should replace "Kris' "(quote and space) with "kris-"(one dash). Essentially recognize if there are two special characters beside one another and replace is with one dash. NOT like this "kris--fun-new-article".
Thanks in advance