



My current approach is something like

DateTime startHour = new DateTime(1900,1,1,12,25,43);
DateTime endHour = new DateTime(1900,1,1,13,45,32);

// I need to, say, know if a complete DateTime instance 
// is later than startHour plus 15 minutes

DateTime now = DateTime.Now();

startHour = startHour.addMinutes(15);

if (now.CompareTo(new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, startHour.Hour, 
                    startHour.Minute, startHour.Second)) > 0) 
    //I can do something now

This is very cumbersome and even failure prone. TimeSpans are not a solution as far as I can see, because they represent spans and aren't bound by the 24 hours limit (a TimeSpan of 56 hours 34 minutes is valid.)

What's the preferred approach for this type of calculations?

What am I missing?

EDIT: The calculations I'm after are ways to compare a complete DateTime instance with an hour, minute, second triplet representing an actual time of day and a way to operate over those triplets (add hours, minutes seconds).

EDIT 2: Thanks everybody, I got the gist of the DateTime API now, I think. :) The only thing I miss is a means to specify a TimeSpan that should represent a TimeOfDay only, but that's minor.

+9  A: 

It's not at all clear what you mean by "is greater than startHour"... but taking

TimeSpan startHour = new TimeSpan(12, 25, 43);
if (endHour.TimeOfDay > startHour)

... works pretty simply.

By all means add argument checking to make sure that you don't specify a value for startHour which is < 0 or > 23 hours, but that's all pretty easy.

.NET's date and time API is quite primitive (even in 3.5) compared with, say, Joda Time - but in this particular case I think it's not too bad.

Jon Skeet
This is the first time I've heard someone refer to the .NET date/time API as "primitive" in a negative tone, and I couldn't disagree more. :)
@280Z284: Until 3.5 you couldn't even use non-local time zones! Compared with Joda, .NET really is quite primitive. There's no type representing an instant with an associated time zone - just a UTC offset. Blech. Would consider porting Joda if I had more time.
Jon Skeet
Yeah, Joda rocks. Especially when compared to native Java Datetime.
Vinko Vrsalovic
Are there any .NET libraries out there that can help?
Erik Forbes
Or, perhaps, a .NET conversion for Joda Time?
Erik Forbes
@Erik: Not as far as I know. I keep wondering about a .NET port of Joda Time, but I don't have enough expertise or time...
Jon Skeet
No time for time? Ironic...
Erik Forbes

You should use TimeSpan for startHour and endHour. When comparing with now, you should "convert" them to a full DateTime or get the Time with DateTime.TimeOfDay as mentioned by Jon Skeet.

TimeSpan startHour = new TimeSpan(12, 25, 43);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

if (now.CompareTo(DateTime.Today.Add(startHour)) > 0) {


TimeSpan startHour = new TimeSpan(12, 25, 43);
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

if (now.TimeOfDay.CompareTo(startHour) > 0) {
Alfred Myers
Why do it that way instead of taking the current time of day? And why use CompareTo instead of the handily-overloaded "greater than" operator?
Jon Skeet
I'm simply using his own code.
Alfred Myers

So you're only interested in the time component of the date.

if(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay > startHour.TimeOfDay)
  // do stuff

What's wrong with doing this?

It will work, but there's no need for the Date part of startHour and endHour.
Alfred Myers
Yes, but that's if you assume that the snippet that was provided is the only part of the code that uses startHour. But what if startHour's date value is used elsewhere?
+2  A: 

A little hint - .NET supports arithmetic operations on DateTime objects, and returns a TimeSpan object. Thus, you can do the following:

DateTime fromDate = ....
DateTime toDate = ....
TimeSpan diff = toDate - fromDate;

and you can expand this to:

DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Now;
DateTime toDate = DateTime.Now.addMinutes(x);

if ((toDate - fromDate).TotalMinutes > 15) {
Fritz H