



I need to use JQuery like the follwoing:

var focusFlag = 1;
jQuery(window).bind("focus", function(event)
focusFlag = 1;

jQuery(window).bind("blur", function(event)
focusFlag = 0;

Does anyone know why this doesn't work for IE?


What karim79 is saying is that hardly any jQuery code works, if the DOM is not ready, you can't be sure that the window object even exists.

jQuery(document).ready(function ()
    // When the page has been loaded, this function will fire.
    // NOW you can bind your events. Like so:

    jQuery(window).bind("focus", function(event)
        // logic goes here

Check out the documentation for for the ready event.

Here's your code implemented correctly:

// You can put your focusFlag variable inside the ready event's anonymous
// function, but then it will only be accessible within the scope of that
// function (my guess is that this is not what you want).

var focusFlag = 1;

jQuery(document).ready(function ()
    jQuery(window).bind("focus", function(event)
        focusFlag = 1;

    }).bind("blur", function(event)
        focusFlag = 0;

One of the major advantages of using jQuery is to have your code working properly, cross-browser.. Without having to implement random snippets of bathroom wall code.

The thing is... what you call 'code implemented correctly' and 'cross-browser' doesn't work in internet explorer... Did you test it before posting it?