



I need to test if a user can write to a folder before actaully attempting to do so.

I've implemented the following method (in C# 2.0) that attempts to retrieve the security permissions for the folder using Directory.GetAccessControl() method.

private bool hasWriteAccessToFolder(string folderPath)
        // Attempt to get a list of security permissions from the folder. 
        // This will raise an exception if the path is read only or do not have access to view the permissions. 
        System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity ds = Directory.GetAccessControl(folderPath);
        return true;
    catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
        return false;

When I was googling how to test for write access nothing like this came up and it appeared very complicated to actually test permissions in Windows. I am concerned that I am over-simplifying things and that this method is not robust, although it does seem to work.

Will my method to test if the current user has write access work correctly?

+1  A: 

IMHO the only 100% reliable way to test if you can write to a directory is to actually write to it and eventually catch exceptions.

Darin Dimitrov
+3  A: 

That's a perfectly valid way to check for folder access in C#. The only place it might fall down is if you need to call this in a tight loop where the overhead of an exception may be an issue.

THere have been other similar questions asked previously.

Funnily enough I had one of those other questions open in another tab but hadn't seen the answer about DirectorySecurity, teach me to read *all* the answers not just the accepted one;-)

I agree with Ash, that should be fine. Alternatively you could use declarative CAS and actually prevent the program from running in the first place if they don't have access.

I believe some of the CAS features may not be present in C# 4.0 from what I've heard, not sure if that might be an issue or not.


Your code gets the DirectorySecurity for a given directory, and handles an exception (due to your not having access to the security info) correctly. However, in your sample you don't actually interrogate the returned object to see what access is allowed - and I think you need to add this in.

Vinay Sajip
+1  A: 

You have a potential race condition in your code--what happens if the user has permissions to write to the folder when you check, but before the user actually writes to the folder this permission is withdrawn? The write will throw an exception which you will need to catch and handle. So the initial check is pointless. You might as well just do the write and handle any exceptions. This is the standard pattern for your situation.

+1  A:

Very usefull Class, check for improved version in messages bellow.


Hi, You can try following code block to check if the directory is having Write Access. It checks the FileSystemAccessRule.

string directoryPath = "C:\\XYZ"; //folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath;
bool isWriteAccess = false;
AuthorizationRuleCollection collection = Directory.GetAccessControl(directoryPath).GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.NTAccount));
foreach (FileSystemAccessRule rule in collection)
if (rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Allow)
isWriteAccess = true;
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
isWriteAccess = false;
catch (Exception ex)
isWriteAccess = false;
if (!isWriteAccess)
//handle notifications 
Rakesh Gunijan
This is what my code already does