I would like to parse an assembly qualified name in .NET 3.5. In particular, the assembly itself is not available, it's just the name. I can think of many ways of doing it by hand but I guess I might be missing some feature to do that in the system libraries. Any suggestion?
Check out the Path class. It has a bunch of parsing functions for file names. Or you could try:
string qualType = @"System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";
Type t = Type.GetType(qualType, false);
if (t == null)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid qualified type string.");
So you have something like this?
Assembly assem = Assembly.LoadFile("PathToTheAssembly.dll");
Type t = assem.GetType("Namespace.And.Type.Name");
If youre looking to parse the BNF form, the example above using GetType should work for you.
EDIT: Ok, this should do what you want assuming you have the name:
Assembly assem = Assembly.GetAssembly(Type.GetType(assembly_qualified_name, false));
if(assem != null)
byte[] pkt = assem.GetName().GetPublicKeyToken();
Version ver = assem.GetName().Version;
CultureInfo ci = assem.GetName().CultureInfo();
If assembly loaded you can use something like that:
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name;
In the example above I used an executing assembly but you loop through your loaded assembly.
Update: You always can load an assembly in a separate AppDomain get the assembly name and after you are done, unload it. Let me know if you need a sample.
The AssemblyName class can parse the assembly name for you, just pass in the string to its constructor. If you have an assembly qualified type name, I think you'll have to strip of the type part of the string first (ie everything up to the first comma).