I have this query:
(SELECT e.IdEvent,e.EventName,e.EventSubtitle,e.EventDescription,l.LocationName,e.EventVenue,EventStartDate,e.EventEndDate,e.EventHost,c.CategoryName,l.LocationCity,l.LocationState,e.isTBA,
(SELECT s.status FROM jos_rsevents_subscriptions s WHERE s.IdUser = 72 AND s.IdEvent = e.IdEvent LIMIT 1) as status
FROM jos_rsevents_events e
LEFT JOIN jos_rsevents_locations l ON e.IdLocation=l.IdLocation
LEFT JOIN jos_rsevents_categories c ON e.IdCategory=c.IdCategory
WHERE 1=1 AND status < 3 ) ORDER BY EventStartDate
But I get the error. "unknown column 'status' in 'where clause'
How can I fix this?