Hi Folks.
I'm just having this trouble with Wordpress: I use to have a Blog with and older version of it and of MySQL, and when I export the SQL DB Creation Scripts, they exported with the latin1_swedish_ci Collation.
Know I'm trying to rebuild the blog but it shows a lot of strange characters like:
Imaginaré Creativitá
When It must show: Imaginary Creativity.
I'm on a mac and using TextMate. I try to convert the SQL Script from batch by using:
iconv -f latin1_swedish_ci -t utf8 script.sql > newscript.utf8.sql
But it tells me that:
iconv: conversion from latin1_swedish_ci unsupported
So, What else can I do in order to convert the file? Or can I program a routine with any script language?
Thanks for the answers.