




I am always looking to organize and make my resource bookmarks better and easiar to access when I need them. 1 thing I really like is code sharing sites, they let you enter in code and then give you a special link to give a friend or a user on this site even to show then code, This is a very useful tool I believe.

So below is my list of code sharing sites, there is 4 on the list and they all have unique features. Some have syntax highlighting for multiple languages, some allow you to save your code as private and only share with the people you give the link to, and some even run the run and output any possible errors.

Do you know of any sites like this?

if you know of any sites like this for programming code please post it here.

http://jsbin.com/ allows you to auto-insert a javascript library like jquery and test live js code

+1  A: 

I user DZone Snippets,


ZZ Coder
+2  A: 

Those who have a GitHub account can use gist, it's a pastie like but with support for revision history etc (git based).

And there's always pastie.org, formerly pastie.caboo.se :-) Oups, in the question.

EDIT: forgot to say that codepad feature is to be able to run you're code and see the output

nice one I like the sytax highlighting
+1  A: 
Mushex Antaranian
here's one more, for sharing gambas code: http://www.gambasworld.com/

There is our site http://www.siafoo.net as well. It has more of a community feel (I hope) than most other sites, and yeah has privacy features and stuff. You do have to create an account, but hopefully we'll have OpenID integrated pretty soon.


The Social Source Code and Plain Text Sharing Service.

You can post any source code here and

All pastes and comments will post to twitter .
