




In a WPF UI app, is there any control to display graph?

I mean, i have 2 combo boxes, on selecting the values in it, it generates a graph.( I have done this using crystal report viewer in a normal windows app... ).

How to achevie this in WPF?? As a is available for documents, do WPF has any graph or reports viewer in it.

I am not using SilverLight. So, only wpf controls if available needs to be used.

Please guide me. Thanks Ramm

+1  A: 

The July 2009 release of the WPF Toolkit on Codeplex includes chart controls, I have heard good things about them. These are free, Microsoft-developed chart controls. You download the package and install it and it will add the controls to your Visual Studio installation.

There are also numerous third-party chart libraries that provide charts and graphs, both commercial and open-source.

Guy Starbuck
What XAML Control needs to be added to view the report in WPF app?I have done in windows.forms app, where I was able to create a report in USER CONTROL. But how to show it in WPF XAML? I mean include a ListBox and add item to it??Please guide me.ThanksRamm