I am trying to use Spring.NET AOP in my project for logging purpose, and two advices work great, however, the third does not get used at all.
Here is my wiring:
<!-- the "After" Advice -->
<object id="GraphicsContextManagerAfter" type="PicturetoolWeb.App.Advice.GraphicsContextManagerAfter, PicturetoolWeb.App">
<!-- The Proxy -->
<object id="PicturetoolWeb.ImageLib.Context.GraphicsContextManager" type="Spring.Aop.Framework.ProxyFactoryObject, Spring.Aop">
<property name="target" ref="GraphicsContextManagerTarget"/>
<property name="interceptorNames">
I then get the GraphicsContextManager instance from Spring:
var manager = ObjectManager.GetNew<GraphicsContextManager>();
// manager IS a proxy and has the advice set!
var x = manager.DoSomeStuff();
// the DoSomeStuff Method is invoked, but my After advice is ignored
The important parts of the ObjectManager I use to get objects from Spring:
static ObjectManager()
Context = ContextRegistry.GetContext();
public static T GetNew<T>()
return (T)Context.GetObject(typeof(T).FullName);
Spring throws no exception, but the AfterAdvice is ignored, too. Any ideas why? Other advice I created did work without any problems.
___________ EDIT: ____________
I added an overload to my ObjectManager:
public static T GetNew<T>(string typeFullName)
var ctx = GetContext();
return (T)ctx.GetObject(typeFullName);
If I therefore use
var contextManager = ObjectManager.GetNew<IGraphicsContextManager>("GraphicsContextManager");
Casting the instance returned by Spring not to its concrete type but rather to an interface, it works as expected and my advice gets used (yay!).
But I dont understand why?