




I would like to open a PDF file at named destination using WinForms (C#). Here is my code:

System.Diagnostics.Process myProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "Acrobat.exe";
myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/A \"nameddest=Test2=OpenActions\" C:\\example.pdf";

It always opens the file at page 1 even having the destination Test2 at page # 10. It basically ignores the destination parameter. However if I use another parameter like the page number it works fine. For example:

myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/A \"page=5=OpenActions\" C:\\example.pdf";

will always open the PDF document at page 5.

Thanks in advance for your help


Have you set up the destinations? You need to be have the standard or professional versions of Adobe Acrobat in order to do this:

Yes, I'm using Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard Version 1.8.3. Inside Adobe all of the destinations seems fine. Clicking on any of them will navigate through the document.
+1  A: 

Regarding the Adobe documentation when opening a PDF document from a command shell, you can pass the parameters to the open command using the /A switch using the following syntax:

myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/A \"nameddest=Test2=OpenActions\" C:\\example.pdf";

If I omit the OpenActions parameter everything works fine like:

myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = "/A \"nameddest=Test2\" C:\\example.pdf";

I'm not sure why the OpenActions breaks opening the file but with omitting it works fine.


Adobe Reader has a few bugs regarding opening to named destinations. Take a look at for some information and workarounds.

Gloria Sadowski