+2  A: 

My solution was to use basic jQuery selectors and events independently of the grid to detect this event. I use the live and blur events on the textboxes in the grid to capture the event. The two events are not supported in combination with each other, so this hack ended up being the solution:


The Matt

For in line editing you can accomplished this several ways. To bind an onblur event to the input field using the onSelectRow trigger, eliminating the need for edit and save buttons, do something like this:

  $('#gridId').setGridParam({onSelectRow: function(id){
    //Edit row on select
    $('#gridid').editRow(id, true); 

    //Modify event handler to save on blur.
    var fieldName = "Name of the field which will trigger save on blur.";
    //Note, this solution only makes sense when applied to the last field in a row.

To apply a jQuery live event handler to all inputs that may appear within a row (jqGrid labels all inputs as rowId_fieldName ), loop throw the number of rows in your grid and do something like this:

var ids = $("#gridId").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for(var i=0; i < ids.length; i++){ 
  fieldName = "field_which_will_trigger_on_blur";

Note: To use blur with .live() like above, you'll need jQuery 1.4 or the patch located at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1199293/simulating-focus-and-blur-in-jquery-live-method

Be careful with rowIds. When you get into sorting, adding and removing of rows, you may find yourself writing some tricky jQuery to convert row ids to iRows or row numbers.

If you're like me and you went with individual cell edit, you'll want to modify the afterEditCell trigger with something like:

  $('#gridId').setGridParam({afterEditCell: function(id,name,val,iRow,iCol){
    //Modify event handler to save on blur.

Hope that helps..

Jon Weers