



Hi, Im trying to edit jeditable with jwysiwyg and i have a list of pages(links) i want to restrict jwysiwyg to, so when a user selects the link option(createLink) i want to actually load a fancybox and then allow the users to select just one of these pages. Ive search for the last three days and tried editing the createLink function in jwysiwyg but my knowledge of JS and jQuery is limited as i have just start using them really.

Has anyone seen or have a tut that i could be sent to help my adapt the editor to my requirements? Ive already made the fancybox and lists from a database(most basic part) but dont know how to prompt the fancybox from jwysiwyg rather then the current prompt which just alerts the option to past in a URL. Ultimately it would be suffice if the createLink function just accepted the link passed back from the fancy and then does what it already does.

K Hope my question isnt asking to much.
