




I have finished K&R book but I want to learn some more advanced things about C. Which book do you suggest me to read next? Something with data structures? Let me say that I have already read Sedgewick's "Data Structures in Java", if that helps.

+4  A: 

I would defintely recommend "Expert C Programming. Deep C Secrets" by Peter van der Linden.

Paul Lydon
+1  A: 

You can read

  1. "C in a Nutshell"
  2. "Expert C Programming" by Peter van der Linden (really a very practical book)
+1  A: 

C Interfaces and Implementations

+2  A: 

Code Complete by Steve McConnel

Writing Solid Code by Steve Maguire

These suggestions are not specifically C books, but C is not a large language and K&R pretty much covers it all (if somewhat terse and succinct - but that's its beauty). There is not much more language to learn (although C99 additions/changes are not covered), but these books may help you apply teh language (or any other language) more effectively.

You might consider something more general on algorithms and data structures, or something higher level such as design patterns and more abstractly design process and methodologies.

If you want to remain at the language level, then C++ might be an obvious next step. That will introduce OO techniques using a language that supports OOP directly. Personally if you'd asked before you learned C, I'd have said don't; learn C++. But you are where you are.

I have already planned to read it in order to improve my software enginnering skills:)
+2  A: 

As I searched a bit, I think that Expert C programming is the best choice.C interfaces and Implementations is also good but it covers OOP mainly and I dont think that is a priority(I already know good java and C++).

I think I will prefer it.Thank you all!!!!

+5  A: 

I suggest you write a few lines of code, and then read the K&R book a second time.
