



I am looking for a free/opensource relational database to use on a commercial 3.5 project. Any recommendations?

+5  A: 

Here's a comparison between open source databases.

This comparison is quite old (2005) and 3.5 was not ready at this moment. Derby and One$DB are probably very good database for java world but I don't find support for latest dotnet framework.MySQL is not free for commercial use.
Hugues Van Landeghem
+4  A: 

Depending on the size of the project you might be able to get buy using SQL Express Edition.

It being a server based application (ASP.NET) I'd second this option considering the good native support for this.
Err.. OP asked for a free/open source.
Clement Herreman
SQL Express has (commercial) limits on size of Db (4GB) and number of users (iirc, 4). I'm not sure about the license web use.
Henk Holterman
I believe that SQL express is free to distribute .. see As long as you can live with the size limitations it could be a good choice
Peter M
@Clement: SQL Express isn't open source but it is free (as-in beer).
I believe your limited to five concurrent connections. It is also a good option because if the project grows you can easily scale up to a more robust version.
@Josh - and the complexity of the licensing of the "more robust" version scares me. There are people dedicated to figuring out what sort of licensing you need to pay for SQL server.
Peter M
@Peter, Licensing for Sql Server is amazingly simple. You either can go with a CAL license based on the number of users that access the db, or you can pay for a per processor license that you're covered for unlimited users. Microsoft licensing for the most part is entirely straight forward.
Chris Marisic
Check this out It shows the limits of SQL Server Express.
Aaron M
+2  A: 

SQLite is a public domain embeddable database engine that has many options for .NET language binding.

Greg Hewgill
It didn't support foreign keys last time I checked however.
+4  A: 

Firebird - nice, scalable open source database with one of the best freeware .NET integration.

Firebird support the latest .net framework
Hugues Van Landeghem
A blog post about Firebird enbedded and dotnet
Hugues Van Landeghem

If you are using .NET I would go for a MS engine. SQL Express is garanteed to work good with .NET Now dependes on the size of your poject and the load the engine will be handling.-

Hope this helps.-

+2  A: 

C#-SQLite is a complete rewrite of SQLite (mentioned by Greg Hewgill) in C#. The Highlight: It's 100% managed .NET code.

The Chairman
+1  A: 

PostgreSQL is licensed under a BSD license, which makes it an obvious choice if your product is commercial. That, and it's a very good database management system.

SQLite also has a friendly licesnse, but it is very different from a traditional SQL DBMS.

Jeff Davis
+1 for PostgreSQL
John Schulze