



Hi, I'm converting a Castle/Monorails application into a Unity/Asp.NET MVC one, I'm stuck in trying to converting this component configuration:

  service="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.IConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll"
  type="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.ConfigurableConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll">
    <!-- Setting Configuration (Dictionary<string,string>)-->
        <entry key="localHost">#{LocalHost}</entry>            
        <entry key="contentHost">#{ContentHost}</entry>
        <entry key="virtualDir">#{VirtualDir}</entry>            

seems that Unity supports Array but not Dictionary, I would like to do something like this:

   <type name="ComponentBaseConfiguration" type="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.IConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll" mapTo="MyFakeNamespace.BOL.ConfigurableConfiguration, MyFakeAppDll">
    <typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration">
     <property name="Config" propertyType="System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib], [System.String, mscorlib]],mscorlib">
       <entry key="localHost"></keyedValue>
       <entry key="contentHost">\\content</keyedValue>
       <entry key="virtualDir">/</keyedValue>

How can I achieve something like this?

+2  A: 

I think you have to use the method-element to archive this. It´s not nice but a workaround.

Your type must define a method Add(string key, string value) which the unity container uses to inject the values.

<method name="Add">
 <param name="key" parameterType="string">
  <value value="localHost"/>
 <param name="value" parameterType="string">
  <value value=""/>

Unity definitely does not support dictionaries for container configuration. See Build Dictionaries using Unity container?


I discovered that Unity have bugs when handling Generics (, there is a quite ugly workaround to this:

public class MyDictionary : Dictionary<string,string>{

    public MyDictionary() { 


now in the configuration file:

        <typeAlias alias="string" type="System.String, mscorlib" />            
        <typeAlias alias="Dictionary" type="MyFakeNamespace.MyDictionary, MyFakeAppDll" />


and then using the Jehof suggestion:

<type name="ConfigurationDictionary" type="Dictionary">
                    <typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration">
                        <method name="Add" key="0">
                            <param name="key" parameterType="string">
                                <value value="localHost"/>
                            <param name="value" parameterType="string">
                                <value value=""/>
                        <method name="Add" key="1">
                            <param name="key" parameterType="string">
                                <value value="contentHost"/>
                            <param name="value" parameterType="string">
                                <value value="\\content"/>
                        <method name="Add" key="2">
                            <param name="key" parameterType="string">
                                <value value="virtualDir"/>
                            <param name="value" parameterType="string">
                                <value value="/"/>


the key attribute in the method tag need to be unique in order to call the method Add multiple times.

Then, when the bug will be solved a little change in the typeAlias allow us to put the right type, but I think I will leave as is it.
