People I'd like to see if an element at index[i] is not present in a different (or current ) array. So for instance if my array looked somewhat like this
[wer, wer4 , wer5 , werp , klo ..
Then I would like to see if aExerciseRef.IDE ( which is "sdf" for instance ) does or does not exist at index[i]. I assume I'd have to use some sort of iterator ..
for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
if([instruct objectAtIndex:index2 + i] != [instruct containsObject:aExerciseRef.IDE] )
NSLog(@"object doesn't exist at this index %i, i );
NSLog(@"well does exist")
I know this doesn't work , it's just to elaborate what I'd like to achieve.
I'm going to try to elaborate it a little more and be more specific.
1) First of all aExerciseRef.IDE changes everytime it get's called so one time it is "ret" another time it's "werd".
2) Imagine an array being filled with aExerciseRef.IDE's then I would like to compare if the elements in this array exist in the instruct array.
So I would like to see if the element at let's say position 2 (wtrk)
[wer, wtrk, wer , sla ...
exists in the array which was being filled with the aExerciseRef.IDE's.
I hope I've been more clear this time.