Again at the Rhino Mocks Noob Wall
mockUI.Expect( x => x.Update( new Frame[] {Frame.MakeIncompleteFrame(1, 5)} ) );
This is the exact argument that I need to match. Via trace statements, I have verified that is the actual output as well i.e. the code behaves as intended but the test disagrees. RhinoMocks responds with
Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException : IScoreObserver.Update([Frame# 1, Score = 0 Rolls [ 5, PENDING, ]]); Expected #1, Actual #0.
A Frame object contains few properties but doesn't override Equals() yet (overridden ToString() seen above). Update receives an array of Frames; How do I setup this expectation? I see an Is.Matching constraint.. not sure how to use it or rather am concerned with the verbose nature of it.
I have a helper NUnit style custom Assert
public static void AssertFramesAreEqual(Frame[] expectedFrames, Frame[] actualFrames)
// loop over both collections
// compare attributes