



I have a report (SSRS) that has links on the individual actions. The javaScript is there so that when used inside my web applciation, the new drill down report opens in a new popup window.

ALAS, when exporting the report to PDF the links (drill down) no longer work because PDF doesn't handle the javaScript...

  1. How do I make the exported version to PDF not have (clean) the javaScript?
  2. Or, how do I tell SSRS to turn off the link completely when exporting?

    ="javascript:void('" & Parameters!WebServer.Value & "/pages/reports/somePage.aspx?params=" & Parameters!dfb_DataSet_GN4.Value) & "','Blue','location=no,resizable=yes,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,height=704,width=985'))"


Not sure if this can be done but I think not. However, you can have a hidden parameter that by default uses the javascript link, and in susbcriptions would use the normal link.

Zaid Zawaideh