I am using this method to serialize my object:
public static string XmlSerialize(object o)
var stringWriter = new StringWriter();
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(o.GetType());
xmlSerializer.Serialize(stringWriter, o);
string xml = stringWriter.ToString();
return xml;
It makes XML that starts like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<MyObject xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
But I want it to look like this:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?>
<MyObject xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
So, how do I change the encoding to Windows-1252 and set standalone = yes? Additionally, how to I get the object to exclude the xmlns value?
I've seen a couple similar questions, like this one, but I was hoping it might be simpler for me, maybe by setting some attributes somewhere?
Update 2: After looking at John's answer and comments, and thinking about this more, I decided to just make a second method. I don't think that creating this wacky custom xml just for a 3rd party on one occasion should be called something as generic as "XmlSerialize" in the first place.
So, I created a second method that takes an XML document and first, removes the one namespace element like this:
xElement.Attributes().Where(a => a.IsNamespaceDeclaration && a.Value == "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema").Remove();
then, it it writes it to XML with John's code. Finally it returns that xml, following the output from this:
new XDeclaration("1.0", "Windows-1252", "yes").ToString()
And that's ugly, but it gets me exactly what I need for this 3rd party to understand my XML.