I am a lowly Access programmer and can't say that I understand your question.
So far as I can tell, to get what you want, you're going to have to automate Access via COM -- there is no other way. The routines to do this are version-agnostic, and will work in all versions of Access from at least 97, as long as the version of Access you're automating is forward-compatible with the files you're examining (i.e., A2000 will be unable to examine an ACCDB and may (or may not) give unreliable results for A2002, A2003 and A2007 MDBs).
The key is using Application.SaveAsText to save all your code-bearing objects. This would mean you'd want to loop through all the modules, forms and reports and for the ones with code modules, output with SaveAsText. For forms and reports you may want to check the HasModule property (though this is available only in design or form view, i.e., the form has to be open) if you want to skip all objects that lack modules.
If you don't care about A97 compatibility, it's much easier. You can use CurrentProject.AllForms, CurrentProject.AllReports and CurrentProject.AllModules. If you're not concerned with differentiating forms/reports with code modules and those without at this stage, you won't need to open them to check the HasModule property. Instead, you can review the resulting exported text file. If there is no module, the tag CodeBehindForm will be missing from the output file.
However, it's very common for forms to have a module but no actual code. Those modules will be listed in the SaveAsText output like this:
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
The Option Explicit may or may not be there, and the Option Compare Database is technically not required, but 99% of modules created in Access will have one or both (only databases created in Access 2000 with default settings will lack Option Explicit). Code will start after the 4 attributes. If it's just the two OPTION statements, then there's no real code behind the form.
You should be able to do COM automation of Access from vbScript on any PC with a version of Access installed that is forwardly compatible with all the MDBs/ACCDBs you want to examine.