





I am trying to access Attachment names form "$File" (Lotus Notes).

NotesView inbox = _serverDatabase.GetView("($Inbox)"); NotesDocument docInbox = inbox.GetFirstDocument();

NotesItem file = docInbox.GetFirstItem("$File");

String fileType = file.type.ToString();

( getting fileType value "ATTACHMENT" for mail containing attachments)

I am not getting solution given in:


+2  A: 

Hi Preeti,

Try something like this:

    NotesView inbox = _serverDatabase.GetView("($Inbox)"); 
    NotesDocument docInbox = inbox.GetFirstDocument();  
    if(docInbox.HasEmbedded ) {
    foreach (NotesEmbeddedObject o in docInbox.EmbeddedObjects) {
        if ( o.Type == 1454 ) {
      o.ExtractFile( "c:\samples\" & o.Source )    

Here is a link to Lotus Notes Designer Help - Really good as you can search for Classes etc to find out what options you have.


Show you all the methods and properties of various class.

Hi Preeti,

OK from the other code sample you are returning an array:

string fileName = ((object[])nItem.Values) [0].ToString();

Yet you are only selecting the first value, you need to recurse through the collection.

Try something like this.

foreach (object attachment in (object[])nItem.Values)
            NotesEmbeddedObject attachfile = (NotesEmbeddedObject)docInbox.GetAttachment(attachment.ToString());

            if (attachfile != null)
                attachfile.ExtractFile("C:\\test\\" + attachment.ToString());



Preeti Singh
Ken Pespisa

I got solution as:

object[] items = (object[])docInbox.Items;

foreach (NotesItem nItem in items)


if (nItem.Name == "$FILE") {

 NotesItem file = docInbox.GetFirstItem("$File");   

 string fileName = ((object[])nItem.Values) [0].ToString();

 NotesEmbeddedObject attachfile = (NotesEmbeddedObject)docInbox.GetAttachment(fileName);

 if (attachfile != null)
    attachfile.ExtractFile("C:\\test\\" + fileName);


But here i am getting only first attachment value. :( Can anyone help me out in this.

Preeti Singh
(moderator flags are not for requesting answers; try clarifying the question; oh, and edit the **question** - don't add questions as answers, and please don't keep asking new copies of the same question).
Marc Gravell
same question? Marc can you please tel me where i repeated my question? ( just need to know..may be i didn't understand that). About posting question as answer: In current question i just wanted to share my solution with people who are facing same problem i faced ( can you please provide me any other alternative in this case? )
Preeti Singh

I created one method but getting error could you please tell me what is the wrong

    public void GetAttachments()
        NotesSession session = new NotesSession();
        //NotesDocument notesDoc = new NotesDocument();

        NotesDatabase NotesDb = session.GetDatabase("", "C:\\temps\\lotus\\voices2.nsf", false); //Open Notes Database
        NotesView inbox = NotesDb.GetView("By _Author");
        NotesDocument docInbox = inbox.GetFirstDocument();
        object[] items = (object[])docInbox.Items;
        foreach (NotesItem nItem in items)

            //NotesItem nItem = (NotesItem)o1;
            if (nItem.Name == "$FILE")
                NotesItem file = docInbox.GetFirstItem("$File");
                string fileName = ((object[])nItem.Values)[0].ToString();
                NotesEmbeddedObject attachfile = (NotesEmbeddedObject)docInbox.GetAttachment(fileName);

                if (attachfile != null)
                    attachfile.ExtractFile("C:\\temps\\export\\" + fileName);


Your above code snippet is very helpful to me. So, I tried the to save all attachments and finally found the below solution.

            NotesView nInboxDocs = NDb.GetView("$Inbox");
            while (NDoc != null)
                if (NDoc.HasEmbedded && NDoc.HasItem("$File"))
                    // To save only first attachment //
                    //pAttachment = ((object[])NDoc.GetItemValue("$File"))[0].ToString();
                    //pAttachment = CurItem.ToString();
                    //NDoc.GetAttachment(pAttachment).ExtractFile(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\" + pAttachment);

                    // To save all attachment //
                    object[] AllDocItems = (object[])NDoc.Items;
                    foreach (object CurItem in AllDocItems)
                        NotesItem nItem = (NotesItem)CurItem;
                        if (IT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT == nItem.type)
                            pAttachment = ((object[])nItem.Values)[0].ToString();
                            NDoc.GetAttachment(pAttachment).ExtractFile(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\" + pAttachment);
                NDoc = nInboxDocs.GetNextDocument(NDoc);