


Dim query = (From p in Parent _
      select _
       p.ID, _
       Tags = String.Join("|", p.Child.Select(Function(c) c.Tag.TagName).ToArray)).Take(100)

In the above query, when using Take to limit the rows returned, a separate SQL query is executed for each row to return the 'Tags' field. If I remove Take(100), a single query to sent to Sql Server.

So, how do I limit the number of rows returned, while preventing a new sub query being executed for each row?

+2  A: 

edit2 When working with nested types, so doing new { r, r.childrenCollection }, LINQ translates this to (SELECT TOP 100 FROM r), deleting the join information. When doing a join by yourself this doesn't happen. So something like:

        var thingyWithChilds
            = (from p in dc.RightCategories
               join r in dc.Rights on p.Id equals r.CategoryId
               select new { p.Id, r });

        var bla = thingyWithChilds.Take(100);

will not cause the same problem.

other stuff that might apply

You're doing ToArray() which causes the query to execute as it isn't a IQueryable. Just do ToArray() after you do Take().

edit According to this SO topic:, it is neither possible to use String.Join if you want to do everything on the server, as there is no SQL command available to do that in TSQL.

Jan Jongboom
Why does it work without the Take()? If I substitute Take with ToList() to execute the query, only one SQL query is generated!
Because Take is an additional action that has to be performed on the SQL server. query-thats-already-partial-executed.ToList().Take(100), will generate 1 query; query-thats-already-partial-executed.Take(100).ToList() will generate additional queries.
Jan Jongboom
Okay, but it still seems that there is no way to solve my original question. Even removing the toArray(eg change to simply p.Child) results in the same behaviour.
Have you used String.Join in your last test, maybe there is no sufficient translation from String.Join to a SQL function in Linq-SQL
Jan Jongboom
No, changed to Tags = p.Child
ok. will try to repr here.
Jan Jongboom
Ok found it. Check my edit.
Jan Jongboom
Thanks for all your effort Jan. The problem with using joins is that it returns a flat list rather than ID plus entity set.
In my code example you get an object containing the ID and the corresponding entity set, afaik exactly what you got in the original query.
Jan Jongboom
I dont get that in LinqPad. Group Join works as you describe but has the same multi sql query problem.