



What is an easy and unobstrusive way to keep an ASP.NET session alive as long as the user has her browser window open? I think maybe timed AJAX calls? I want to prevent that users keep their window open for a long time, then enter stuff and on submit nothing works because the server side session expired. I don't want to increase the timeout value larger than 10 min on the server as I want closed sessions (by closing the browser window) to time out fast.

Suggestions, code samples?

+8  A: 

I use JQuery to perform a simple AJAX call to a dummy HTTP Handler that does nothing but keeps my Session alive:

function setHeartbeat() {
    setTimeout("heartbeat()", 300000); // every 5 min

function heartbeat() {
        function(data) {
            //$("#heartbeat").show().fadeOut(1000); // just a little "red flash" in the corner :)

Session handler can be as simple as:

public class SessionHeartbeatHttpHandler : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState
    public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } }

    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        context.Session["Heartbeat"] = DateTime.Now;

Key is to add IRequiresSessionState otherwise Session won't be available (= null). The handler can of course also return a JSON serialized object if some data should be returned to the calling JavaScript.

Made available through web.config:

    <add verb="GET,HEAD" path="SessionHeartbeat.ashx" validate="false" type="SessionHeartbeatHttpHandler"/>
+1 for the cool name
+1 and +acc for a good solution with code.
@veggerby "to a dummy HTTP Handler that does nothing but keeps my Session alive".Can you please post sample code of HTTP Handler to keep the session alive?

Do you really need to keep the session (do you have data in it?) or is it enough to fake this by reinstantiating the session when a request comes in? If the first, use the method above. If the second, try something like using the Session_End event handler.

If you have Forms Authentication, then you get something in the Global.asax.cs like

FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(formsCookie.Value);
if (ticket.Expired)
{ ...
 // renew ticket if old
 ticket = FormsAuthentication.RenewTicketIfOld(ticket);

And you set the ticket lifetime much longer than the session lifetime. If you're not authenticating, or using a different authentication method, there are similar tricks. Microsoft TFS web interface and SharePoint seem to use these - the give away is that if you click a link on a stale page, you get authentication prompts in the popup window, but if you just use a command, it works.

Henry Troup