



Can anyone explain to me what the following line of C# code does?

public event EventHandler<DataEventArgs<BusinessEntities.Employee>> EmployeeSelected = delegate { };

The bit that's really got me stumped is the delegate { } piece at the end. For a bit more context, the sample from the EmployeesListView.xaml.cs in the ViewInjection sample that ships with PRISM 2. The full class definition is shown below:

/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for EmployeesListView.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class EmployeesListView : UserControl, IEmployeesListView
    public EmployeesListView()

    public ObservableCollection<BusinessEntities.Employee> Model
        get { return this.DataContext as ObservableCollection<BusinessEntities.Employee>; }
        set { this.DataContext = value; }

    public event EventHandler<DataEventArgs<BusinessEntities.Employee>> EmployeeSelected = delegate { };

    private void EmployeesList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.AddedItems.Count > 0)
            BusinessEntities.Employee selected = e.AddedItems[0] as BusinessEntities.Employee;
            if (selected != null)
                EmployeeSelected(this, new DataEventArgs<BusinessEntities.Employee>(selected));
+13  A: 

This bit:

delegate {}

just creates a "no-op" delegate of the appropriate type. That delegate is then assigned to the backing variable for the event. It's a simple way to avoid having to do null checks when raising an event - you always have at least one handler, which is the no-op handler.

It means that this code can be simple:

EmployeeSelected(this, new DataEventArgs<BusinessEntities.Employee>(selected));

Instead of:

EventHandler<DataEventArgs<BusinessEntities.Employee>> handler =EmployeeSelected;
if (handler != null)
    handler(this, new DataEventArgs<BusinessEntities.Employee>(selected));
Jon Skeet
At our company, we refer to this as the "Empty Delegate Pattern"
John Kraft

It's setting it to an anonymous method that does nothing basically. Why I'm not sure, maybe to avoid a check or something but I would consider that quite sloppy.

It's just the null object pattern - I don't see why you consider that sloppy.
Jon Skeet