I'm migrating Cocoa-Java code to Cocoa + JNI since Cocoa-Java is deprecated. The code prints an image stored in a file. The new Cocoa code is basically:
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:spoolFile];
if ( [image isValid] ) {
NSImageView *view = [[NSImageView alloc] init];
[view setImage:image];
[view setImageScaling:NSScaleProportionally];
NSPoint p;
NSSize s;
p.x = static_cast<float>( boundsX );
p.y = static_cast<float>( boundsY );
[view setBoundsOrigin:p];
s.width = static_cast<float>( boundsWidth );
s.height = static_cast<float>( boundsHeight );
[view setBoundsSize:s];
NSPrintInfo *info = [NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo];
[info setHorizontalPagination:NSClipPagination];
[info setVerticalPagination:NSClipPagination];
[info setHorizontallyCentered:NO];
[info setVerticallyCentered:NO];
p.x = static_cast<float>( boundsX );
p.y = static_cast<float>( [info paperSize].height - boundsHeight - boundsY );
[view translateOriginToPoint:p];
NSPrintOperation *printOp =
[NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:view printInfo:info];
[printOp setShowsPrintPanel:NO];
[printOp runOperation];
Running this code eventually crashes with:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 com.apple.AppKit 0x9484ac75 -[NSConcretePrintOperation(NSInternal) _tryToSetCurrentPageNumber:] + 345
1 com.apple.AppKit 0x948d88cf -[NSView(NSPrintingInternal) _printForCurrentOperation] + 524
2 com.apple.AppKit 0x948d85c5 -[NSConcretePrintOperation _renderView] + 358
3 com.apple.AppKit 0x9491f0c0 -[NSConcretePrintOperation runOperation] + 362
Why? How can I simply print an image that's stored in a file?